Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Budget 650b Wheelset

Rivendell now offers a "budget" ($250) 650b wheelset. If you're not so sure about your wheel-building prowess, this is just about the cheapest way to convert your road bike from 700c to 650B.

Why convert from 700c to 650B? There are many reasons, but mostly that 650Bs allow you to mount fenders and install much fatter tires than 700c wheels allow. Install fenders and fat tires on your road bike and wah-lah: instant class and a more gentlemanly ride. More supple tires just look and ride better. Why do you think the all-'rounder bikes of yore had 26" wheels and fat tires? It also lowers the stand-over height--which benefits us gentlemen with aging bodies.. I will post more when I becomes a true expert on the subject, but for now simply suggests that any gentleman wishing to re-purpose a road bike, read up on 650B conversions.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's "voila", not wah-lah.